Aditi Rao and Arunoday Singh have left Mallika Sherawat way behind by locking lips 22 times in Sudhir Mishra's next film, Yeh Saali Zindagi. Mallika, in second place with 17 kisses in Khwahish, will now have to work hard to regain her numero uno position as steam queen . According to reports, director Sudhir Mishra said he preferred a couple making love or kissing one another, rather than dancing to a song. "Aditi and Arunodoy play a young couple based in Delhi. They kiss every time they quarrel. And they quarrel a lot!" says Mishra. Debuting as a supporting actress in the Abhishek Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor starrer Delhi 6, Aditi seems to have done a complete 180 degree turn with this 'Kiss-athon' film.
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