Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar, who is riding high on Mankatha success, is showing interest to remake Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Dookudu in Tamil. Jeyam Raja, the remake specialist director will wield the megaphone if Ajith is willing to do it. Nothing is confirmed as of now as Ajith is waiting to see the film before taking a decision.
Usually it is Vijay, who vies for remaking Mahesh Babu films, but he is very busy for the next year and therefore he is out of the race this time. Ajith missed out on Tamil remake of Athadu in the past. Later it was dubbed in Tamil. This time he doesn’t want to miss out on Dookudu.
On the other hand, Dookudu is releasing in a record number of screens in Tamilnadu. Of late our producers are capture Tamil market by dubbing our films. Dookudu is releasing in Telugu itself as straight Telugu films too did well in Tamilnadu in the past.
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