Gopichand’s forthcoming film Mogudu is taking shape in the hands of creative director Krishna Vamsi. Tapsee and Shradda Das are romancing with Gopichand in the film, which is being produced by by Nallamalupu Srinivas (Bujji) under Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions banner.
Unlike Gopichand’s earlier films, Mogudu falls under the genre romantic comedy and showcases Gopichand in a never seen before character in the film. Producer Nallamalupu Bujji informs Mogudu has all the interesting elements such as like entertainment, love, romance and emotions that will attract people from all walks of life.
The final schedule of Mogudu will commence from 19th September, where in a couple of songs will be canned with which the entire shoot gets wrapped up. Other supporting cast includes Rajendra Prasad, Naresh, Roja etc.
Tapsee Hot Spicy Photos
Shradda Das Hot Photos
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